
House of Marley Debuts Bob Marley Branded Headphones and iPod Docks

Believe it or not, Bob Marley will be gone 30 years next year, but his music lives on. I mean really…without Bob Marley, reggae would never have made it into the mainstream back in the 70′s and 80′s. Now his likeness and spirit are being utilized this time again for a whole new generation, in the form of audio accessories that will adhere to the Marley family core values: “equality, unity, authenticity, charity and sustainability.” You can expect to see boom boxes, docking stations, earphones and headphones. Currently the collection contains three different lines: Jammin’, Freedom, and Destiny. Each one is geared towards a specific consumer, be it teenagers or audiophiles.

The collection looks so awesome that you’ll be tempted to get out a tie-dye shirt and go jammin’ minus the ganja.. .The House of Marley audio collection will launch sometime in 2011.