
Oxygen Audio debuts O'Car, O'Dock iPhone car docking accessories

Looking for a bit more integration than your usual iPhone car dock or FM transmitter can provide? Then you might want to consider Oxygen Audio's new O'Car head unit, which packs a swiveling iPhone dock that's considerably discreet than some other similar units out there. It's also, of course, a full-fledged car radio, and it packs a 4x55W amp that Oxygen says delivers "perfect quality sound" to your car's speakers. If that's all a bit too much for you, however, Oxygen has also announced the decidedly more standard-looking O'Dock unit that simply mounts on your dash or windshield -- check it out after the break. Unfortunately, there's still no word on pricing or availability for either unit, but we're assuming those details will be made available at CES next month.

via - Oxygen Audio.com